University Graduates are likely to accumulate a HELP debt as part of completing their tertiary studies. HELP allows students to defer the payment of their tuition until after they commence word, in the form of a Government loan program. Under Help, repayments of the loan, do not commence until you start work and your salary reaches a nominated repayment level.
The adjacent table shows, the repayment rate applicable to each level of income which a lender will use to calculate your HELP repayment based on your income (Table for 2018/2019 rate).
So back to the question! Does your HELP debt prohibit your lending ability?
Absolutely NOT! Like any other debt, the lender will take into consideration how much money you are required to pay each year and deducts this amount from your disposable income calculation. We can confidently say that your HELP will reduce your borrowing capacity, however it will still keep you in the race for a Home Loan.
TIP Your HELP debt will not prohibit you from applying and possibly getting approved for a Home Loan as a lender will consider HELP as another loan that has to be repaid. However, your HELP debt will influence your borrowing capacity, therefore it is relevant to consider ways of offsetting its impact. Some strategies you can adopt to assist you in doing this include: