

The first step and one of the most important steps in your journey, is to fully understand where your hard-earned money is going each month! TIP We suggest that you setup a spending diary which is with you at all times, where you note every time you spend money irrespective of how little you may spend. Ideally, you should keep a diary for at least one month, although two months is probably better. If you are couple, you can either share one diary or keep separate diaries ensuring that every transaction is documented. Remember that your diary needs to be reflective of your spending, therefore, during this period, be honest and don’t avoid any of your normal behavior.

Once your diary is finished, you should identify headings to group your expenditure which have a common theme. For example, expenses associated with take away food should be grouped under “Take Home Meals”. Expenditure for eating out in restaurants grouped as “Eating Out Meals”. Gifts to family and close friends grouped as “Family Gifts” etc. TIP Ensure that you don’t miss the not so obvious things like coffee on the way to work, lunch at work, magazines and newspapers, online spend, public transport expenses, parking fines etc. You get the general theme. Essentially you want your groupings to be similar and not represent too large an amount, and you want to ensure that even the smallest of expenditure is included.

Brisbane Home LoansHow To Track Your Expenses
Brisbane Home LoansHow To Track Your Expenses

Once you have identified your individual groups, create a total for each group preferably by week and month and see how much you spend on each specific group. This summary will start to give you an indication of how much you are spending on things like sport, exercise, take-away meals, gambling, lunches, school lunches or the kids, clubbing, cigarettes etc.  Factor these totals out over 12 months to see how much you spend on each one in a year.  You will be blown away by some of these figures, which once laid out, essentially answer the infamous question that all of us ask ourselves at some point: “where the heck does my money go!”.

Having completed the fact-finding mission, you now have all the information you need to make decisions and act.  TIP Before starting to slash your expenditure, grab a beer or a nice wine, take a deep breath and start by identifying the things you can go without. This is the low hanging fruit.  Now, let’s create a separate list and name it “My/Our New Home Savings Plan”. Create 2 columns one for the name of the group and the second for the amount you spent on this group.

Next, identify the things you can cut back considerably. Add these to your “My/Our New Home Savings Plan”, decide how much you will cut back from this expense and add the amount to your list. Finally, identify the things that you can cut back slightly and add these to your savings list.

Your new list should resemble the one shown adjacent with totals for each action and a grand total saving for the year. You will be amazed how much you will save in 1 year by taking this approach. This process may appear simple, but it will require discipline and purpose. Often people will need guidance in either the process or establishing the motivation to save. The specialists at Brisbane Home Loan, can assist you in creating your diary and guiding you in areas that will assist you in saving your deposit.

Brisbane Home LoansHow To Track Your Expenses