

Get Help If Your Loan Is Getting Declined

A competent Mortgage Broker will be able to validate the likelihood of your loan application being approved. Often, the same application can be refused by one lender but accepted by a different lender. For this reason, choosing an experienced, reputable Mortgage Broker is important.

Other factors that contribute to loan applications being declined include the following:

Inability to satisfy your lender of the reasons why you have moved frequently over the past 12 months, can work against you. Lenders like consistency and being able to support why you lived in several locations over a period of 12 months is important.

Having changed jobs multiple times during a period of 12 months is also scrutinised by lenders. Being able to satisfy the lender of the reasons being genuine is also very important.

Brisbane Home LoansI Need A Loan But Keep Getting Declined!
Brisbane Home LoansI Need A Loan But Keep Getting Declined!

Complexity in your financial management approach can also work against you if the lender deems it difficult to fully understand your financial footprint.  Simplifying your account structures with limited banks is important.  Ensuring that income flows are easy to follow and easily associated with expenditure is also helpful.  Holding many accounts across multiple banks with money moving across multiple accounts across multiple banks and between multiple people raise potential alarm bells with lenders.

Omitting information from an application can also work against your application. Omitting a credit card, or any other form of loan or payment instantly raises concerns that will work against your application.

Credit history is pertinent. Having insufficient credit history adds complexity, alternatively, poor repayment history, overdue payments and debt collection activity, are all reasons why lenders may reject a loan application.