

Helping You Buy Your First Home


Gain Access To Extremely Helpful Topics Such As These, All Written by Specialists in Their Own Field

  • Why Should I Own My Own Home
  • Which is Better Owning or Renting
  • How Much Can I Spend On My First Home
  • Getting Pre-Approved
  • Creating An Expenditure Diary
  • Calculate How Long It Will Take To Save My Deposit
  • How Can You Use The First Home Super Saver Scheme
  • Checklist to Save a Deposit Faster
  • How To Qualify For a $15,000 First Home Buyers Grant
  • And Far Too Many More To List……..

These will be emailed to you on a regular basis
Benefits of Being A First Home Buyers Club Member
Benefits of Being A First Home Buyers Club Member


Free Invitation to Seminars

Our seminars cover a number of topics that are of interest to First Home Buyers. Seminars are presented by a variety of people within their own fields of expertise ranging from Lawyers, Mortgage Brokers, Builders, Real Estate Agents, Financial Advisers and more.


The objective of the seminars is education. The topics and the presenters aim to provide new information that will hopefully help First Home Buyers prepare well for their first purchase. Often, not knowing can create problems and hurdles in your purchase. Having the right people around you will certainly help you in your journey.

Appointment with A Mortgage Specialist


Being financially prepared for the assessment of your First Home Application starts years before you apply for your Home Loan. We call this Your Financial Health. Being financially healthy takes work, but first you have to have and understanding of what your future lender considers important when lending you money.

Our Mortgage Specialists will provide a framework for you to work in and guide you in the right direction.


Opportunity to benefit from Other First Home Buyers Through Our Forum

Benefit from the experience of others in similar situation to you, and share ideas with others on the forum. What better way to learn than to be in contact with other First Home Buyers just like you.

Benefits of Being A First Home Buyers Club Member

How We Help First Home Buyers

Important Factors In Preparing Your Deposit

Demonstrating to your lender that you have a good savings history is fundamental and something that should be considered early when deciding to purchase a your first home. Resulting from the Royal Commission on banking, the requirements for a first home loan have become more difficult, which is why First Home Buyers need to plan for their first home loan at least 12 months in advance.

Brisbane Home Loans Financial Specialists are happy to assist you in establishing a savings plan in preparation for a First Home Loan at a later date.

The amount of deposit available for your First Home is really important when it comes to financing. Your savings, will influence the type of loan you can get.

Most lender will require a minimum of 5% deposit. Lenders like to see this in your bank account and usually for a period of at least 3 months.

Often, First Home Buyers, will seek their parent’s assistance in purchasing their first home. Their help can be in terms of assistance with the initial deposit, alternatively they can act as a Guarantor on the Loan. As a Guarantor, your parents equity in their personal or investment property can act as security against your new home.

Benefits of Being A First Home Buyers Club Member

Our Guarantee

Fast, Efficient Service

Our Finance Specialists understand that when purchasing a property there is little time to waste in finding the right home loan.

We guarantee an appointment within 48 hours of contacting our office if needed.

We can arrange an appointment in our office, your office, your home or a convenient coffee shop at a time which is convenient to you.  If necessary we can take instructions over the telephone or organise a video conference.

Most importantly we will work quickly to assist you.


A critical factor that can assist you with your First Home Loan is your Credit Score. Lenders will closely review your spend over 12 months as part of your loan application.

OUR SERVICE IS FREE TO YOU – We are paid a commission by the Mortgage Lending Institution which we fully disclose to you. Our job is to take the hassle out of finding the right loan.

I want to enquire about:

    First Home Buyers Love Us Because We Fight Hard For Your First Loan

    Purchasing your first home will be exciting and possibly daunting at the same time, however it does not need to be so. Our Finance specialists have years of experience in guiding first home buyers. We can assist in preparing your first home buyers grant applications and identify a loan that suits your deposit and income levels.
    Below is checklist which will assist you in understanding if you meet the basic requirements for a First Home Buyers Grant.

    1. Are you an Australian citizen or permanent resident, or are you applying with someone who is an Australian citizen or permanent resident?
    2. Neither you nor your spouse have previously owned a property in Australia
    3. You’re building or buying a new home
    4. The value of the home you are buying, or building is under $750,000
    This information is indicative only. Please speak to our representatives for further information.

    In addition to a First Home Grant, you may also be entitled to a reduction in the amount of stamp duty you will need to pay.

    The link below allows you to calculate the amount of your First Home Grant and the amount of duty owed.

    Go To The State Government Calculator

    Brisbane Home Loans can offer you the choice of hundreds of products from more than forty lenders. We do the leg work for you. After ascertaining your unique situation and goals we do all the work to get you the best deal at no extra cost to you.
    The amount you can borrow is commonly known as your borrowing capacity. Your borrowing capacity will differ from lender to lender and depends on many factors including your income, expenditure, existing loans and deposit available.

    Pre-approval is a great place to start if you are considering purchasing a new home, buying an investment property, or simply want to ascertain your potential borrowing power.

    Where Pre-approval is obtained, the lender will issue a letter of offer and this will be valid for a certain period, usually 90 days. Any conditions or additional requirements will be noted in the pre-approval that is provided by the lender.

    Knowing how much you can afford to spend based on a given deposit, provides credibility with agent and a level of negotiating power with both the agent and the seller. Naturally, pre-approval is necessary if you are looking at a property that is auctioned.

    Lenders Mortgage Insurance is typically required by all lenders on loans for borrowers who have less than 20% deposit.

    Lenders Mortgage Insurance protects a lender in the event that the borrower defaults on the home loan. In this situation, if the sale proceeds of the property being held as security is not enough to cover the mortgage, the lender will make a claim on the insurance policy.

    There are instances where the lender will require it to be paid on a much lower Loan to Value ratio, for example low doc loans. The only benefit you will get from LMI is in the amount you are able to borrow.

    Mortgage Insurance covers potential losses to the lender, not the borrower. Please see more information in our Resource Centre.

    Some lenders offer the option for a client to fix in the rate that has been quoted on the day that the loan application was made.

    In the event that an unexpected rate rise happens prior to settlement of your loan you can feel safe in knowing that your rate will not change. Some lenders offer this service automatically. Others require you to pay a fee to put the Rate Lock in place.

    Fixing a rate as part of a negotiation is useful in situations where lenders run promotions offering lower rates for a nominated time frame.  This protects the borrower in the event that the loan application is delayed.

    We always start with a chat over the phone or in person. We listen to your lending requirements and then prepare a needs analysis schedule for you.  We review the schedule with you and outline the next steps associated with the loan application.

    During this appointment we will answer any questions you feel relevant to your loan application or the process.

    Feel free to contact us on 07 3889 9250 or simply complete our contact form on our website and one of our Finance Specialists will be in touch within 24 hours.

    Simply download the form and submit. Our consultants are more than happy to assist you in preparing and submitting the application form.

    Download Form

    First Home Loan Buyers

    Call Anytime

    07 3889 9250

    Make an Online Application and See If You Qualify for A Loan

    Purchasing your first home can certainly be exciting but obtaining a Home Loan for your First Home can be challenging and daunting, which is why our Financial Brokers are trained to eliminate the stress for you and walk you through the process step by step.


    First Home Buyers may be eligible to receive the First Home Owners Grant and may also be eligible for stamp duty concessions.


    Whether you are ready to purchase your First Home or if you have started discussions with your partner or family about purchasing your First Home, then you will certainly benefit from our advice on how to obtain the right loan for you.


    As your broker we get paid from the lender once the loan is settled, therefore our service to you is completely FREE.


    YOU’RE IN GOOD HANDS – We understand the challenge of purchasing your First Home and work for you to simplify the process.

    Benefits of Being A First Home Buyers Club Member

    Types Of Home Loans You Can Access

    • A low variable interest, no frill Home Loan with generally cheaper rates because there are very few features and usually do not offer a cheque book, Bpay or an ATM card. They will usually allow you to make extra payments, cutting the length of your mortgage. The definition of ‘basic’ can vary between Lenders so it is important to check individual features. Interest rates go up and down, generally in line with the official rate set by the Reserve Bank of Australia. Can be ideal for First Home Buyers and Owner-occupiers.

    • Standard variable loans are a very popular product with up to half of borrowers choosing this structure. The variable rate loan offers more features and flexibility than the basic or ‘no frills’ loan, so the rate is usually slightly higher. Fixed rate loans are set at a fixed rate for a specified period – usually one to five years. The advantage of allowing you to organise your finances and repayments without the risk of rising interest rates is offset by the disadvantage of not benefiting from a drop in rates. It also locks you in to that loan for the fixed period unless you are prepared to pay potentially considerable exit fees.

    • A full suite of services loan where you pay an annual fee for interest rate discounts and further discounts on extra services. This may include an offset account, waiving the annual fee on your credit card. Some Lenders will even offer discounts on personal loan rates and other products. Packages attract an annual fee of about $350 to $800 but the fee is only payable once, regardless of how many loans you have. Packages are generally more suitable for those borrowing more than $250 000, those who wish to avail themselves of many of the services on offer by the Lender and borrowers who have a significant amount of cash to put in to an offset account, and only pay the one fee annually.

    Finance & Mortgage Brokers You Can Trust & Rely On.

    Benefits of Being A First Home Buyers Club Member

    Our motto is simple “Clients come first.” Whether you are a first home buyer or an experienced property investor, our team of first home loan brokers in Brisbane will go out of their way to get you a deal that offers you the best rate at the lowest possible cost.

    Why Clients Choose Brisbane Home Loans?

    • Impressive Customer Ratings
    • We Do All The Hard Work for You
    • Our Experienced Mortgage Brokers Get You Rates Lower Than What is Published by Lenders
    • We Work For You Not The Lender
    • We Can Meet You Wherever It is Convenient To You

    Talk to Our Mortgage Experts to See How We Can Help You!

    At Brisbane Home Loans, we guarantee 100% transparency and clear communication. From the moment you call us, we will work round the clock and ensure your home loan application is prepared, lodged and approved quickly and effortlessly. Call us at 3889 9250 and put us to the test.

    Arrange to meet with a broker | Get to know us more

    We Offer More Choice to Our Clients

    In this day and age of diversity and choice, why limit yourself to the options being provided by one lender?


    Brisbane Home Loans has access to over 40 lenders, with more than 100 different products that could better suit your needs.


    We don’t just focus on one bank to resolve your Financing needs. Our approach is to shop around our panel of lenders, secure the finance you need and ensure it is the best possible deal for your specific circumstance.

    Brisbane Home Loans Finance Specialist have the expertise and the proven track record to advise you on your Finance needs.

    Benefits of Being A First Home Buyers Club Member