
Fixed Rate Home Loans Brisbane

We Can Help You Get a Loan And Help You Prepare For A Loan

    Fast & Free Assessments

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    Fixed-rate home loans usually come in one- to five-year rates. When the rate changes, repayment does not change during a fixed period. It will stabilise your budget since you know how much to pay. The fixed interest rate will protect you from increases in rates, but it also means you will likely miss lower variable rates if they are cut while you are locked into a fixed rate.

    Additionally, you should be aware that there often is a high break cost if you switch your loan to a different one before the end of the fixed term. Want to keep your repayments consistent by fixing your interest rate?

    We compare fixed rates, repayment options, and features from top Australian lenders to offer great rates and savings.
    Brisbane Home LoansFixed Rate Home Loans Brisbane
    Brisbane Home LoansFixed Rate Home Loans Brisbane

    Benefits of Fixed Interest Home Loans

    Protection against Rate Increases: Lock in predictable and stable payments for 1 to 5 years, protecting you from increasing interest rates. Some lenders can offer an assured fixed rate before settlement, but this may incur a "rate lock fee".


    Fixed-rate: As long as they fix at some rate for the fixed period, consistent repayments secure you, so you do not have to worry about how your cash flow will be to meet the repayments for greater peace of mind.


    Consequences of Fixed-Rate Interest Home Loans

    Fixed-rate loans reduce a lender's ability to pay off a loan quicker by imposing additional repayment rules or capping it at an annual amount. Significant break fees apply if you wish to refinance, sell your property or pay off your loan in full before the fixed term has ended.


    If you have taken a home loan with a fixed rate, you will not benefit from any reductions your lender makes to their home loan rates over the fixed term.

    Make an Online Application and See If You Qualify for A Loan

    Our Fixed Rate Interest Home Loans

    Fixed Rate Home Loans

    Pay only for the features you need.​
    • Application fee: $295 (usually $600+).
    • $12 monthly maintenance fee during fixed-term.
    • Feature one offset account at no extra cost during the fixed term.
    Up to 80% LVR. Loan sizes from $20,000

    Complete Home Loan Package

    Save on multiple accounts with one package fee every year and consolidate your finances.
    • Application Fee: $0
    • Annual Package Fee: $395
    • Offset Accounts: Up to nine accounts with no monthly fees and no annual credit card fees
    Up to 80% LVR. Loan sizes from $200,000
    Brisbane Home LoansFixed Rate Home Loans Brisbane
    Brisbane Home LoansFixed Rate Home Loans Brisbane

    Apply for a Fixed-Interest Rate Home Loan in Just a Few Minutes

    Are you looking to apply for a fixed-rate home loan? Submit the application in just five minutes with information and details of:

    • Your personal info
    • Your financial situation
    • Type of loan that you are looking for
    One of our home loan representatives will address your query within 1-3 days and call back to continue with the application.

    What Does A Mortgage Broker Do

    Interest Rates Fixed Rate Home Loan

    These interest rates apply to the 3-year fixed for owner-occupied and investment properties, where the principal and interest repayments are made through the Home Loan Package. Fixed rates are offered for periods ranging from 1 to 5 years.

    Rate TypeInterest RateComparison Rate
    Investment5.79% p.a.6.62% p.a.
    Owner Occupied5.59% p.a.6.42% p.a.

    07 3889 9250

    Brisbane Home LoansFixed Rate Home Loans Brisbane
    Brisbane Home LoansFixed Rate Home Loans Brisbane

    Additional Fees May Apply for Fixed-Rate Investment Loans

    Fee Details
    Rate lock fee (Optional) $750
    Variation fee (if you make changes to your loan) $300
    Valuation fee $0 with the home loan package or quoted on the application.
    Settlement fee $0 with the home loan package or $150.
    Establishment fee $0 with the home loan package or $600.

    Customers Testimonials

    Customers Testimonials

    It was Our First Home and We had No Idea. Thanks to The Team From Brisbane Home Loans
    Daniel and the team at Brisbane Home Loans were super helpful and friendly to me as it was my first home loan and I had no idea! They answered all my questions and were very hardworking. Would definitely recommend to a friend.

    Tom Harvey

    They Made Buying Our First Home Easy and Fun. Thanks
    The team at Brisbane Home loans have been super helpful and extremely professional to assist us with all our first home questions. will be recommending them to everyone I know looking to buy!

    Nathan Cook

    Thanks for Helping me Turn my Dream into a Reality
    Service was great, very informative and kept me up to date on all progress and all steps. Follow up after it was all done and dusted was also great. Took the stress out of it which was a great help for my busy life. I would totally recommend Dan and Jordan to anyone.

    Emma Schefe


    Get a Fixed Rate Home Loan Quickly